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Island Annexation Policies

  1. In order to fulfill the intent of the state legislature and implement the joint urban development policies of the cities, County and LAFCO, and in the interests of efficient service provision and orderly growth and development, the cities should annex unincorporated urban islands.
  2. LAFCO will collaborate with the cities and the County in facilitating annexation of unincorporated urban islands.
  3. LAFCO will provide a LAFCO fee waiver for annexations that result in the elimination of entire unincorporated islands. This fee waiver will remain effective until rescinded by the commission.
  4. Where feasible, and in furtherance of goals to support orderly growth and development, cities are encouraged to annex entire islands, rather than conducting single parcel annexations.
  5. In the interests of orderly growth and development, cities should annex urban unincorporated islands existing within their current USAs (urban service areas), before seeking to add new lands to their USAs.
  6. Prior to seeking any USA amendment, except if the USA amendment is to resolve a significant, demonstrable public health and safety issue or if the USA amendment is a minor corrective action, the city should:
    1. Initiate and complete annexation proceedings pursuant to Government Code Section 56375.3(a)(1), for all unincorporated islands that meet the provisions of Government Code Section 56375.3, unless the island constitutes publicly owned land, and,
    2. For any city that has unincorporated islands larger than 150 acres, the city is strongly encouraged to adopt an annexation plan for the islands after holding community meetings, to apply a pre-zoning designation and to adopt resolutions to initiate annexation.
  7. LAFCO encourages the County to remove incentives for property owners in the unincorporated islands to remain in the County, by making development standards in the unincorporated islands comparable to development standards in the surrounding city.
  8. LAFCO will provide information on the island annexation procedures to each of the cities. LAFCO will develop process flow charts and public hearing notice / resolution templates for cities to use. LAFCO staff will conduct workshops on island annexation process for city staff.
  9. LAFCO will work with the County, the cities and other interested parties/agencies to find ways to reduce or share the cost of processing unincorporated island annexations.
  10. LAFCO staff will report to the Commission at each LAFCO meeting on the status of each city’s island annexation efforts.
February 9, 2005
October 14, 2009
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