LAFCO completed Phase 1 of the review and update of its policies. On December 4, 2024, the Commission adopted the following policies:
- Sphere of Influence (SOI) Policies (Chapter 2)
- Urban Service Area (USA) Policies (Chapter 3)
- Annexation, Detachment, and Reorganization Policies (Chapter 4)
- Out-of-Agency Service by Contract (OASC) Policies (Chapter 5)
- Island Annexation Policies (Chapter 6)
- Agricultural Land Preservation and Mitigation Policies (Chapter 7)
- Urban Growth Boundaries Policies (Chapter 8)
- Chapter 1 is the Countywide Urban Development Policies reaffirmed by LAFCO Resolution No. 2022-07 on April 6, 2022
Phase 2 of this project will focus on the review and update of LAFCO’s remaining policies, including service review policies, other policies such as incorporation policies used less frequently, and policies and procedures that are related to administrative functions. Phase 2 is anticipated to begin in January 2025.